Monday 6 April 2009


The piano scene is the scene which requires the most scenery in my opinion, and because of this, i feel that it took the longest.
Initially, i started with a plane for the floor, and three boxes creating a U shape, in which a living room would sit. I then added some wallpaper style texture to give it a room feel from the start so that I would be able to build a living room from it.

I then imported the staircase into the scene, along with the piano which I placed that the top of the stairs.
I then created a sofa, by combining several boxes, some of which were created from chamfer boxes as well, to give them sofa a more natural look.
Additionally, I added picture frames to the staircase, contianing images relating to the previous aniamtions and also added a TV to the wall, making it feel like a TV set.
I then began the animation process, which involved moving the piano from the top of the stairs to the bottem. Initially, I sued the auto key mode to make the pianon move to the stair bottem, but afterwards I had to go an individually edit each frame to give the piano a bumpy action.
Below are some shots of various parts to the scene.

The scene overal

The sofa, staircase and piano falling

The living room area

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