Saturday, 11 October 2008

A summary so far.

I have been using 3dsmax for just over 3 weeks now and I feel its time to recap over what I have learnt.

So far I have a created a small array of objects, ranging from a chilli, to my red button of doom.
The first few times I have used 3DSmax, I have found it to be fairly confusing, and quite complex, and the camera controls took me a great deal of getting used to.
Once I got to grips with these camera controls and the basics of manipulating a shape into a 3d object, I feel that I am now capable of creating simple ojects and making them look realistic - Coupled with my new knowledge of adding materials, I was able to make these models look much mroe realistic.
I ahve also nwo created a list of models that I wish to create for my calendar product, and have started work on this, by modelling a pumpkin. This has proved to be fairly challenging, as pumpkins have varying sizes and shapes.

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