Monday, 22 September 2008

My first 3d Model - Chilli's

I made these chillis by starting with a sphere, then choosing the soft selection tool I dragged the points on the shape outwards and rotated vertices around to allow me to get a long pointy shape.
From here, I then went onto the modifier list and chose "bend", which then enabled me to bend the chilli left making it look more natural.

After this, I created a stalk by drawing a cone shape, making it pointy towards the top. I then went again to the modifier list and bent the cone slightly making it look more like a natural stalk. After this, I moved the stalk around to make it in appear in the correct position, then I clicked duplicate, copied three chillis, then chose render, and saved the image thus making the chilli.
My overal opinion is that whilst it does resemble a chilli, that it could look a lot better - a good example of this is that it needs to be a little smoother on the main faces.

1 comment:

Jo Bowman said...

Not a bad first attempt! You have inadvertently pulled the vertices, which has caused a ridge in the shape - you do have to watch that you are out of subobject level sometimes.