Wednesday 29 April 2009

Alien Abduction

After a long render process (around 60 minutes), my scene was complete.
To this, I added a soundtrack usign Premiere pro. I had difficulty choosing a good soundtrack, and settled on a track titled "No More Dead Heroes" fro the Halo video game, as it seemed to set the mood, give a bass frequency suitable to a hoverign UFO and even a traction beam sound.
The completed scene is unique comapred to my other two for several reasons, these are:
  • No Bitmaps as textures
  • Ink N Paint applied to every surface
  • No Lighting
  • Undetailed, flat props
However by not having these features, it worked in achieveing an eye catching visual, which seems to fair well with people who see the ident.
The finished scene is shown below:

Wednesday 22 April 2009

Textures and props for the "UFO"

Whilst playing with textures for my alien scene, I discovered an excellent function called Ink n Paint.
This basically applys a comic effect to your 3d models, and I thought it would be a great addition to my UFO scene.
Rater than aim for a realistic design, I could use ink'n'paint to give it a fake style reminiscent of 1950's sci-fi.
To sue this function, you simply click "standard" on the materials box. This brings up a panel from this you choose Ink'n'Paint.
After this you chosoe the colour of the face and its shadow (typically grey, or a darker varient of your first colour).
This is then applied to your shape.
Following this new found effect, and also new direction for the scene, i decided to make the scenery appear fake.
To achieve this, I created a cactus outline, and extruded it. Whilst the objects 3D it feels flat, fake and almost 2d.
This then had the ink'n'paint effect added to it, additionally with a marble texture, creating a stripey cactus style look.
Adding to the scene, i created some fake mountain ranges t go at the far back of the scene, giving the vision of a false horizon, and also added a rather flat billboard. The billboard was important to the cene as it was to be the focus point of the camera after the A mascot had been abducted. The billboard is to show the compnies logo, informing the viewer of what they are watching.
I then applied a marble effect to the ground combined with ink'n'paint, whcih gave the ground a more cartoonish desert feel.
Below is a screenshot of how it rendered:
The scene at this stage was finished, excluding the need to add in a soundtrack.

Thursday 16 April 2009

Space Scene

Having previously built the space ship, I needed to make a scene for it to go into.
The most suitable idea was to use a desert scene, as this seems to be the most commonly associated place with aliens (think Roswell, Area 51 etc.)
I started with one flat plane. This was to serves as the desert floor, and I stretched this out far so that it would look expansive like the desert.
After this, i added my A character to the scene, and imported the UFO. I then animated the spaceship flying in, using simple animation, with the UFO hovering above the A shape momentarily before zooming off.
Once I had done this animation, i created a cylinder and coloured it green, and changed its opacity to 50% making it translucent.
I then animated this growing downwards from the spaceship engulfing the A shape, an then retracting back up towards the spaceship - thus giving the effect that it was begin beamed from the spaceship.
I then animated the A floating upwards during this beams animation sequence. To do this I used the auto key tool, starting with it simply moving up into the spaceship, and then adding random rotations during this process to give it a more natural feel.
The animation at this stage is shown below:
It is worth noting a few things at this stage:
Currently, the textures are poor, mainly because I am unsure how to evolve them to make them look realistic, secndly, theres a very poor backdrop image and finally, the scene feels empty, as it lacks visual content. This will be all addressed in the following week.

Tuesday 14 April 2009

The Piano Falling scene

After much work, and using many new effects shown below I finally created my piano falling down the stairs scene.
This scene lasts for 15 seconds, and involves a combination of jazz music overlaid on itself so that would sound more like a piano falling.
The scene uses one camera which rotates to give the best view of the piano throughout.
The textures are the combination of the architectural ones used in the piano tutorial, and basic images overlaid (wallpaper for example).
The final animation is shown below:

Sunday 12 April 2009

Lighting up your home

The piano falling scene, was in my opinion the most akward scene to light. The main reason for it being so award is that I did not design any windows so there was no way of natural light coming in from the sides, therefore the scene relied soley on lighting from above.
After trying many options, all of which gave me light which created horrible shadows, ruining the scene, I found the perfect light setting.
The light settign which worked for me was a simple "omni light" with a standard multiplier of 1 and a far attenuation of 80 - 200. The shadow density settings are set to 1, which is low, but still creates a slight shadow.

Friday 10 April 2009

The piano goes crash

Originally, the piano was going to fall down the stairs, and it would just stop off of camera. The main reason for this, was that I didn't know how to make it do much else. This however changed, when I learnt about the bomb function in 3dsMax.
Following a tutorial I found online from I was able to make the piano explode into small fragments on impact with the wall. By playing further with the bomb settings, i was able to make the wall crack very slightly on impact with piano to add a final touch of realism.
The outcome of the bomb effect is shown below in the screenshot.

Monday 6 April 2009


The piano scene is the scene which requires the most scenery in my opinion, and because of this, i feel that it took the longest.
Initially, i started with a plane for the floor, and three boxes creating a U shape, in which a living room would sit. I then added some wallpaper style texture to give it a room feel from the start so that I would be able to build a living room from it.

I then imported the staircase into the scene, along with the piano which I placed that the top of the stairs.
I then created a sofa, by combining several boxes, some of which were created from chamfer boxes as well, to give them sofa a more natural look.
Additionally, I added picture frames to the staircase, contianing images relating to the previous aniamtions and also added a TV to the wall, making it feel like a TV set.
I then began the animation process, which involved moving the piano from the top of the stairs to the bottem. Initially, I sued the auto key mode to make the pianon move to the stair bottem, but afterwards I had to go an individually edit each frame to give the piano a bumpy action.
Below are some shots of various parts to the scene.

The scene overal

The sofa, staircase and piano falling

The living room area

Friday 3 April 2009

Building a staicase

To create a staircase for the piano falling down scene, I started with one single box, and then duplicated this. Using the snaps toggle mode, I was able to create the steps very quickly without hassle. After selecting the snaps option, I held the shift key and dragged the duplicate box to the new position it then portended me asking whether I wanted to create more than one, which I adjusted to my number of steps. This then created my steps.
To add a Bannister, I created a pole out of a cylinder, and duplicated it using the process above.
I then created a rail out of another cylinder.
The staircase creation process is shown below:

Wednesday 1 April 2009


To create a UFO for my alien scene, I chose to use 2 cylinders. I initially created one, converted it to an editable poly, and extruded the edges inwards, creating a saucer shape.
This shape was then duplicated, and placed on the top of the other shape, creating a flying sucer shape. The upper half of the saucer was adjusted to make it slightly taller, so that the UFO looked a more like a cartoon one.
Below is the result of this process (note that the image has not yet had textures applied to it):