The first that I learnt was how to create a custom 2d shape, allowing me to make different shape 3d objects.
This process required me to draw the shape using the line tool, then converting it to an editable poly, and then extruding the face. In this process however, the shape remained hollow and it was necessary to click the cap button to fill the object in. This gave me a customised shape.
Also, part of this process is the creation of text - which can be customised similar to other 3d shapes - An example is below:

The next process I learnt was the boolean / proboolean operation.
This process allows me to both combine objects together, making a single editable object, or to remove objects from other objects (eg. to create holes) - This process is fairly simple and quite effective - however its best to limit its use, due to it being a very memory intensive process.
An example of this process can be seen below:

The final process that I learnt was the lathe process.
This involved creating a shape using the freehand 2d shape tool, and then moving the pivot point to the start of the shape from the middle, then telling the process to affect the pivot only, you select the lathe option from the modifier panel, and it creates a shape similar to a bowl.